About Us
Napa County Mosquito Abatement District (Napa County MAD) was formed in 1925 to minimize the effects of the County’s most numerous resident, the mosquito. Citizens residing near the marshes and along the Napa River and its tributaries were plagued by marsh, malaria and encephalitis mosquitoes.
Mosquito abatement districts are formed pursuant to the laws found in the California Health and Safety Code-Division 3, Chapter 1, Section 2000 et seq. These laws, also known as the Mosquito Abatement Act of 1915, allow for local municipalities or counties to form these Districts.
The broad powers that a District has under these laws are granted to a governing Board that consists of five or more members who may be appointed (District Boards of Trustees) or elected (County Boards of Supervisors and City Councils). The Board members represent all of the citizens that reside within the area served by the District and may or may not be mosquito and vector control experts. The Board employs a Manager to whom it delegates the authority to conduct the business of the agency in accordance with the policies of the Board.
Napa County MAD currently services the entire County, which is an area of approximately 797 square miles. The District has a staff of nine full time employees and is funded by both ad valorem property tax and benefit assessment revenues.
- Address: 15 Melvin Road, American Canyon, CA. Map
- Phone: 707-553-9610
- Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.